ChemoGenix assistance for your laboratory to conduct any screening in any cell type.

(currently for academia and other educational or non-profit institutions only)

We primarily screen in NALM6 cells but we understand that you might want to perform the screen in a different cell line. We currently do not offer screening in any cell line but we can support your lab in the experimental procedure and in the data analysis. You will be responsible to acquire a Pooled Library of sgRNAs (AddGene has a large selection) to generate lentiviruses (AddGene also has some infection-ready libraries), to infect and select any cell line relevant to your needs, to run the screening in appropriate conditions (proliferation-based, FACS cell sorting, any compound dosage, timepoints, # of repeats…) and to generate cell pellets. At every step, you can talk and consult with us. At the end of the experiment you will then ship us the cell pellets and we will take care to extract genomic DNA, PCR-amplify sgRNA sequences, do the NGS and compute the gene enrichment/depletion scores.
($1200 CAD per cell pellet sequenced and analyzed; discounts apply for large # of samples).

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Pooled library screenings are technically challenging experiments. They demand technical know-how and specialized expertise that not all labs have experience with. The two most challenging parts are (1) generating highly complex pools of high-titer lentivirus libraries to be used to infect enough cells to maintain pool representation at a low multiplicity of infection (MOI) and (2) sequencing sgRNAs sequences by NGS to monitor their frequencies and generate gene enrichment/depletion scores by bioinformatics. The first requires access to high efficiency electroporators, general knowledge about maintaining pool complexity, generation of high-quality lentiviruses and a method to properly assess MOI. The second requires access to Illumina sequencing devices and bioinformatics know-how to be able to analyze gigabytes of data. Although we are planning to provide high quality pooled infection-ready genome-wide KO lentivirus libraries of sgRNAs as well as controls to properly assess MOI, this service is not available yet. However, if you can already acquire any pooled sgRNA library and make lentivirus yourself for infecting any cell line of your choosing, ChemoGenix can help you with the 2nd part of screening.

Contact us
By nature, this service is very customizable. Please contact us in order to discuss your needs and find the most appropriate solution.